Michelle's Story

 "When I was eighteen years old, I was the mother of a beautiful two year-old and was living with my parents. It was quite a shock when I found out that I was pregnant again. I did not know what to do, and the father (no longer my boyfriend) left the state for a few months after I told him, leaving the decision up to me. I did not tell my parents, and close friends had only comfort to offer, but not advice.


"I thought an abortion was my only option, and I made an appointment and got the money together. Looking through the phonebook on the night before the abortion, I found Friends in Adoption. The next day, I decided to call and ask about the possibility of giving my baby up for an adoption. After talking on the phone, I met with a counselor in Providence and received profiles for possible adoptive parents in the mail the next week. I picked the couple that very night, and they have been the perfect parents for my baby, Jacob.


"The whole adoption was very open, and everyone was helpful every step of the way. The adoptive parents were there for the birth, and I keep in contact with them regularly. Even though I had thought carrying this child to delivery would be the toughest part of my crisis pregnancy, really, the hardest part was leaving the hospital without Jacob. I am so thankful for the family that God provided for Jacob, and I am so happy that 'Adoption' is right after 'Abortion' in the phonebook!"


Adoption is often thought of as the last option. That's because most women don't realize that they can choose the adoptive family and keep in touch with their child. Adoption might be the option that is best for you. It gives you and your child a chance at a full and loving life. Michelle is an advisor at Woman to Woman Support Network, and she is thankful to have chosen adoption for her child. Another advisor is herself adopted. Why not come and speak to them to see if this might be a choice for you?


Nurturing Network also helps women who would be embarrassed by their pregnancies to `adopt' their own babies. We can help arrange this.


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Woman to Woman Support Network, Inc.

1341 West Main Road, Airport Plaza Unit 5

Middletown, RI 02842 (401) 841-9211
