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Reading for Ideas


These books are representative of the thousands available in libraries and bookstores. As of July 1989, they are all in print. If you have difficulty obtaining a book, are dissatisfied with a book, or have found another book especially helpful, please notify the author via email at Your comments will be useful in planning revisions of this book.

The listing of these books does not imply that their authors or publishers adhere to any specific views regarding abortion.



Bass, Ellen and Laura Davis. The Courage to Heal: A

Guide for Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse.

New York: Harper & Row, 1988.

__________________ and Joan Torres. Men Who Hate

Women and the Women Who Love Them: When Loving

Hurts and You Don't Know Why. New York: Bantam,


Davidson, Terry. Conjugal Crime: Understanding and

Changing the Wife Beating Pattern. New York:

Hawthorn, 1978.

Gateley, Edwina. I Hear a Seed Growing. Trabuco

Canyon, CA: Source Books, 1990. For prostitutes

and those who counsel them.

Leman, Dr. Kevin. The Pleasers: Women Who Can't Say No and the Men Who Control Them. New York: Dell,


Miller, Kathy C. Healing the Angry Heart: A Strategy

for Confident Mothering. Lynwood, WA: Aglow,

1984. Written by a mother who used to abuse her


NiCarthy, Ginny. Getting Free: A Handbook for Women

in Abusive Relationships, rev. ed. Seattle, WA:

Seal, 1986.

Walters, Candace. Invisible Wounds: What Every Woman

Should Know About Sexual Assault. Portland, OR:

Multnomah, 1988.

Zibolsky, Kay with Lynda Allison. Healing Hidden

Hurts--How You Can Live Again, After Assault.

Wilson, NC: Star, 1989. Christian.


Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. Staff.

Al-Anon's Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions.

New York: Al-Anon, 1986. _______________________________________________.

Alateen: Hope for Children of Alcoholics. New

York: Al-Anon, 1986.

Alcoholics Anonymous. Twelve Steps and Twelve

Traditions. New York: Alcoholics Anonymous World

Services, Inc., 1981.

Bill B. Compulsive Overeater. Minneapolis, MN:

CompCare, 1981.

Carnes, Patrick, Ph.D. Out of the Shadows:

Understanding Sexual Addiction. Minneapolis, MN:

CompCare, 1983.

Cauwels, Janice M. Bulimia: The Binge-Purge

Compulsion. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1983.

Christian, Shanon with Margaret Johnson. The Very

Private Matter of Anorexia Nervosa. Grand Rapids,

MI: Zondervan, 1986.

Fishel, Ruth. Learning to Live in the Now: Six Week

Personal Plan to Recovery. Pompano Beach, FL:

Health Communications, 1988. Recovery from


Hope and Recovery: A Twelve Step Guide for Healing From Compulsive Sexual Behavior. Minneapolis, MN:

CompCare, 1987.

LeSourd, Sandra Simpson. The Compulsive Woman: How to

Break the Bonds of Addiction to Food, Television,

Sex, Men, Exercise, Shopping, Alcohol, Drugs,

Nicotine, and Much More. Old Tappan, NJ: Fleming

H. Revell, 1987.

Peluso, Emanuel and Lucy. Women and Drugs: Getting

Hooked, Getting Clean. Minneapolis, MN:

CompCare, 1988.

Perlmutter, Judy. Kick It: Stop Smoking in Five Days.

Tucson, AZ: HP Books, 1986.



Krementz, Jill. How It Feels to Be Adopted. New York:

Alfred A. Knopf, 1982.

Lindsay, Jeanne Warren. Open Adoption: A Caring

Option. Buena Park, CA: Morning Glory, 1987.

--------. Parents, Pregnant Teens, and the Adoption

Option: Help for Families. Buena Park, CA:

Morning Glory, 1989.

________. Pregnant Too Soon: Adoption Is An Option,

rev. ed. Buena Park, CA: Morning Glory, 1988.


Mannion, Michael T. Abortion and Healing: A Cry to Be

Whole. Kansas City, MO: Sheed and Ward, 1986.

Michels, Nancy. Helping Women Recover From Abortion:

How to Deal With the Guilt, the Emotional Pain,

and the Emptiness. Minneapolis, MO: Bethany,



Clubb, Elizabeth and Jane Knight. A Comprehensive

Guide to Natural Family Planning. New York:

Sterling, 1988.

Silber, Sherman J., M.D. How Not to Get Pregnant:

Your Guide to Simple, Reliable Contraception.

New York: Charles Scribner's, 1987.


Bramlett, James. Finding Work: A Handbook. Grand

Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1986.

Cardozo, Arlene Rossen. Sequencing: Having It All,

But Not All at Once . . . A New Solution for Women

Who Want Marriage, Career, and Family. New York:

Atheneum, 1986.

Davidson, Christine. Staying Home Instead: How to

Quit the Working-Mom Rat Race and Survive

Financially. Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath, 1986.

Dreskin, William and Wendy. The Day Care Decision:

What's Best for You and Your Child. New York:

M. Evans & Company, Inc., 1983.

Half, Robert. The Robert Half Way to Get Hired in

Today's Job Market. New York: Bantam, 1981.

Lowman, Kaye. Of Cradles and Careers: A Guide to

Reshaping Your Job to Include a Baby in Your Life.

Franklin Park, IL: La Leche League, 1984.

Nivens, Beatrice. Careers for Women Without College

Degrees. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1988.

Sinetar, Marsha. Do What You Love; The Money Will

Follow: Discovering Your Right Livelihood. New

York: Dell, 1989.

Stanton, Jeanne Deschamps. Being All Things: How to

Be a Wife, Lover, Boss, and Mother (and Still Be

Yourself). New York: Doubleday, 1988.


Danto, Bruce L. So You Want to See a Psychiatrist?.

Salem, NH: Ayer, 1980.

Maurer, Janet R. How to Talk to Your Doctor: Getting

Beyond the Medical Mystique. New York: Simon &

Schuster, 1986.

McCarthy, Eugene et al. The Second Opinion Handbook:

A Guide for Medical Self-Defense. New York: Nick

Lyons Books, 1987.

Saltman, David A. and George Wilgus, III. The Layman's

Guide to Legal Survival: What You Need to Know

Before and After You Hire a Lawyer. Boston, MA:

Bob Adams, 1988.


Augsburger, David. Caring Enough to Confront: How to

Understand and Express Your Deepest Feelings

Toward Others. Ventura, CA: Regal, 1981.

Carnegie, Dale. How to Win Friends and Influence

People. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1964.

Smalley, Gary and John Trent, Ph.D. The Language of

Love: A Powerful Way to Maximize Insight,

Intimacy, and Understanding. Pomona, CA: Focus

on the Family, 1988.


Kushner, Harold S. When Bad Things Happen to Good

People. New York: Avon, 1981.

Spencer, Anita L. Crises and Growth: Making the Most

of Hard Times. Mahweh, NJ: Paulist, 1988.

Stearns, Ann Kaiser. Living Through Personal Crisis.

New York: Ballentine, 1987.


Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth. On Death and Dying. New York:

Macmillan, 1969.

Landorf, Joyce. Mourning Song. Old Tappan, NJ:

Fleming H. Revell, 1974. Woman faces own


Little, Deborah Whiting. Home Care for the Dying: A

Reassuring, Comprehensive Guide to Physical and

Emotional Care. Garden City, NY: Doubleday,


Nye, Miriam Baker. But I Never Thought He'd Die:

Practical Help for Widows. Louisville, KY: John

Knox, 1978.

Quinnett, Paul G. Suicide: The Forever Decision. New

York: Continuum, 1987.

Schaefer, Dan and Christine Lyons. How Do We Tell the

Children?: A Parents' Guide to Helping Children Understand and Cope When Someone Dies. New York:

Newmarket, 1986.


Astor, Stephen, M.D. Hidden Food Allergies. Garden

City Park, NY: Avery, 1988.

Brewer, Gail Sforza and Thomas H. The Brewer Medical

Diet for Normal and High Risk Pregnancy: A

Leading Obstetrician's Guide to Every Stage of

Pregnancy. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1983.

Feingold, Ben F. and Helene S. The Feingold Cookbook

for Hyperactive Children. New York: Random

House, 1979.

La Leche League International, Roberta Bishop Johnson,

ed. Whole Foods for the Whole Family. Franklin

Park, IL: La Leche League, 1981. Cookbook.

Longacre, Doris Janzen. More With Less Cookbook.

Scottdale, PA: Herald, 1976.


Bradshaw, John. Healing the Shame That Binds You.

Deerfield Beach, FL: Health Communications,


Branden, Nathaniel. How to Raise Your Self Esteem.

New York: Bantam, 1987.

Carter, Les. Good n' Angry: How to Handle Your Anger

Positively. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1983.

___________, Paul Meier, and Frank B. Minirth. Why Be

Lonely?: A Guide to Meaningful Relationships.

Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1982.

Cerlin, Chuck. Cleaning Out Your Mental Closet:

Transforming Negative Emotions. Wheaton, IL:

Harold Shaw, 1987.

Dalton, Katharina. Depression After Childbirth: How

to Recognize and Treat Postnatal Illness. New

York: Oxford University Press, 1980.

Minirth, Frank B. and Paul D. Meier. Happiness is a

Choice: A Manual on the Symptoms, Causes and

Cures of Depression. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker,


Seamonds, David. Healing for Damaged Emotions.

Wheaton, IL: Victor, 1987.

Smedes, Lewis B. Forgive and Forget: Healing the

Hurts We Don't Deserve. New York: Pocket, 1984.


Briggs, Dorothy Corkill. Your Child's Self-Esteem:

The Key to His Life. New York: Doubleday, 1975.

Broad, Laura Peabody and Nancy Towner Butterworth. The

Playgroup Handbook. New York: St. Martin's,

1974. How to start a playgroup.

Clegg, Averil and Anne Woollett. Twins From Conception

to Five Years. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold,


Crook, William G., M.D., and Laura Stevens. Solving

the Puzzle of Your Hard-to-Raise Child. New York:

Random House, 1987.

McCullough, Bonnie Runyan and Susan Walker Monson. 401

Ways to Get Your Kids to Work at Home. New York:

St. Martin's, 1981.

Procaccini, Dr. Joseph and Mark W. Kiefaber. Parent

Burnout. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1983.

Smalley, Gary. The Key to Your Child's Heart. Waco,

TX: Word, 1984.

Touw, Kathleen. Parent Tricks-of-the-Trade: 1,280

Hints for Your First Ten Years of Parenting.

Mount Rainer, MD: Gryphon, 1987.


Blue, Ron. Master Your Money: A Step-by-Step Plan for

Financial Freedom. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson,


Burkett, Larry. Answers to Your Family's Financial

Questions. Pomona, CA: Focus on the Family,


Flanagan, Joan. Grass Roots Fundraising Book: How to

Raise Money in Your Community. Chicago, IL:

Contemporary, 1984.


Bergren, Wendy. "Mom Is Very Sick--Here's How to

Help." Pomona, CA: Focus on the Family, 1982.

Written by a terminally ill mother.

Feingold Association of the United States. The

Feingold Handbook. Alexandria, VA: Feingold

Association of the United States, 1986. How

to determine food or additive sensitivity.

Gaes, Sissy. "My Child Is Very Sick--Here's How to

Help." Pomona, CA: Focus on the Family, 1989.

To be given to friends.

Harrison, Michael. The Unborn Patient, 2nd ed.

Philadelphia, PA: W. B. Saunders, 1990. Medical

treatment, surgery for the unborn.

Harwell, Amy with Kristina Tomasik. When Your Friend

Gets Cancer: How You Can Help. Wheaton, IL:

Harold Shaw, 1987.

Lewis, Kathleen. Successful Living With Chronic

Illness. Garden City Park, NY: Avery, 1985.

McIlhaney, Joe S., Jr., M.D. 1250 Health-Care

Questions Women Ask. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker,


Moffatt, Betty Clare. When Someone You Love Has AIDS:

A Book of Hope for Family and Friends. New York:

Nal Penguin, 1986.

Murphy, Judith K. Sharing Care: The Christian

Ministry of Respite Care. New York: Pilgrim,



Bombeck, Erma. Family: The Ties That Bind . . . and

Gag!. New York: Random House, 1988.

Eberhart, Elvin. In the Presence of Humor: A Guide to

the Humorous Life. New Salem, OR: Pilgrim, 1985.

Meberg, Marilyn. Choosing the Amusing. Portland, OR:

Multnomah, 1986.

Snyder, Bernadette McCarver. Dear God, I Have This

Terrible Problem: A Housewife's Secret Letters.

Liguori, MO: Liguori, 1983.

Welliver, Dotsy. Smudgkin Elves and Other Lame

Excuses. Winanakake, IN: Light and Life, 1981.


Brazelton, T. Berry. Infants and Mothers: Differences

in Development, rev. ed. New York: Dell, 1983.

Harrison, Helen. The Premature Baby Book: A Parents'

Guide for Coping and Caring in the First Year.

New York: St. Martin's, 1983.

Hull, Karen. The Mommy Book: Advice for New Mothers

From Women Who've Been There. Grand Rapids, MI:

Zondervan, 1986.

Krauss, Michael with Sue Castle. Your New Born Baby:

Everything You Need to Know, Featuring Joan

Lunden. New York: Warner, 1988.

La Leche League International. The Womanly Art of

Breastfeeding. Franklin Park, IL: La Leche

League, 1981.

Lindsay, Jeanne Warren. Teens Parenting. Buena Park,

CA 90620: Morning Glory, 1981.

Sears, William, M.D. The Fussy Baby: How to Bring Out

the Best in Your High Need Child. Franklin Park,

IL: La Leche League, 1985.

Thevenin, Tine. The Family Bed: An Age-Old Concept in

Child Rearing. Garden City Park, NY: Avery,



Brenneman, Helen Good. Meditations for the Expectant

Mother. Scottdale, PA: Herald, 1968.

____________________. Meditations for the New Mother.

Scottdale, PA: Herald, 1953.

Brin, Ruth F. Harvest: Collected Poems and Prayers.

New York: Reconstructionist, 1986. Jewish


Casey, Karen and Martha Vanceburg. The Promise of a

New Day: A Book of Daily Meditations. New York:

Harper/Hazleden, 1983.

Fishel, Ruth. Time for Joy: Daily Affirmations.

Pompano Beach, FL: Health, 1988.


Braiker, Harriet B., Ph.D. The Type E Woman: How to

Overcome the Stress of Being Everything to

Everybody. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1986.

Bright, Dr. Deborah. Creative Relaxation: Turning

Your Stress Into Positive Energy. New York:

Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1979.

Culp, Stephanie. How to Get Organized When You Don't

Have the Time. Cincinnati, OH: Writer's Digest,


DeRosis, Helen A. Women and Anxiety. New York: Dell,

1981. Twenty-step program to deal with anxiety.

Felton, Sandra. The Messies Manual: The

Procrastinator's Guide to Good Housekeeping. Old

Tappan, NJ: Fleming H. Revell, 1981.

Minirth, Frank et al. How to Beat Burnout: Help for

Men and Women. Chicago, IL: Moody, 1986.

Whitfield, Charles L., M.D. Healing the Child Within:

Discovery and Recovery for Adult Children of

Dysfunctional Families. Deerfield Beach, FL:

Health, 1987.

Woititz, Janet. Adult Children of Alcoholics. Pompano

Beach, FL: Health, 1983.


Cowan, Dr. Connell and Dr. Melvyn Kinder. Smart Women,

Foolish Choices: Finding the Right Men/Avoiding

the Wrong Ones. New York: Clarkson N. Potter

Signet, 1985.

Gullo, Stephen, Ph. D., and Connie Church. Loveshock:

How to Recover From a Broken Heart and Love Again.

New York: Simon & Schuster, 1988.

Marshall, Sharon. Surviving Separation and Divorce:

How to Keep Going When You Don't Really Want To.

Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1988.

Norwood, Robin. Women Who Love Too Much: When You

Keep Wishing and Hoping He'll Change. Los

Angeles, CA: Jeremy P. Taner, 1985.

Schaeffer, Brenda. Is It Love or Is It Addiction?: Falling Into Healthy Love. New York: Harper and

Row, 1987.

Stafford, Tim. Worth the Wait: Love, Sex, and Keeping

the Dream Alive. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale, 1988.


Cirner, Randall and Therese. 10 Weeks to a Better

Marriage. Ann Arbor, MI: Servant, 1985.

Lindsay, Jeanne Warren. Teenage Marriage: Coping With

Reality. Buena Park, CA: Morning Glory, 1988.

Mylander, Charles. Running the Red Lights. Ventura,

CA: Regal, 1986. Affairs.

Rainey, Dennis and Barbara. The Questions Book for

Marriage Intimacy. Phoenix, AZ: Questar, 1988.

Williams, Pat and Jill. Rekindled. Old Tappan, NJ:

Fleming H. Revell, 1985. Rebuilding a

crumbling marriage.

Wright, H. Norman and Wes Roberts. Before You Remarry:

A Guide to Successful Remarriage. Eugene, OR:

Harvest House, 1988.


Briggs, Dorothy Corkille. Celebrate Yourself:

Enhancing Your Own Self-Esteem. New York:

Doubleday, 1986.

Lindquist, Marie. Holding Back: Why We Hide the Truth

About Ourselves. Center City, MN: Hazelden,


Seamonds, David A. Putting Away Childish Things.

Wheaton, IL: Victor, 1982. Maturity.

Wegscheider-Cruse, Sharon. Learning to Love Yourself:

Finding Your Self-Worth. Deerfield Beach, FL:

Health, 1987.


"Bill." Daddy, I'm Pregnant. Portland, OR:

Multnomah, 1987. Pregnant teen.

Brinkley, Ginny, Linda Goldberg, and Janice Kukar.

Your Child's First Journey: A Guide to Prepared

Birth From Pregnancy to Parenthood. Garden City

Park, NY: Avery, 1982.

Childbirth Association of Rochester, Inc. A Labor of

Love: A Guide to Family-Centered Cesarean Birth.

Garden City Park, NY: Avery, 1987.

Girard, Linda Wolvoord. At Daddy's on Saturdays.

Niles, IL: Whitman, Albert, 1987. Storybook

about a child of divorce.

Heil, Ruth. My Child Within. Westchester, IL:

Good News, 1983. Journal of pregnancies.

Heiman, Carrie J. The Nine-Month Miracle: A Journal

for the Mother-to-Be. Ligouri, MO: Ligouri,

1986. Journal to fill in.

Kitzinger, Shelia. Photography by Lennart Nilsson.

Being Born. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1986.

Photos of unborn children.

-----------------. Birth Over Thirty. New York:

Penguin, 1985.


Koch, Janice. Our Baby: A Birth and Adoption Story.

Chicago, IL: Perspective Press, 1985. Children's


Olkin, Sylvia Klein. Positive Pregnancy Fitness.

Garden City Park, NY: Avery, 1987.

Verny, Thomas, M.D., with John Kelly. The Secret Life

of the Unborn Child. New York: Dell, 1981.

Psychology of the unborn.


Cohen, Marion. An Ambitious Sort of Grief: Pregnancy

and Neo-Natal Loss. Las Colinas, TX: Liberal

Press, 1986. Mother's journal.

Gryte, Marilyn. No New Baby. Omaha, NE: Centering

Corporation, 1988. Children's picture book.

Ilse, Sherokee. Empty Arms: Coping With Miscarriage,

Stillbirth and Infant Death. Long Lake, MN:

Wintergreen, 1982.

--------------- and Susan Erling. "Planning a

Precious Goodbye After Miscarriage, Stillbirth, or

Infant Death." Wayzata, MN: Pregnancy and Infant Loss Center, 1984.

--------------- and Linda Hammer Burns. "Sibling

Grief After Miscarriage, Stillbirth, or Infant

Death." Wayzata, MN: Pregnancy and Infant

Loss Center, 1984.

Page, Carole Gift. Misty, Our Momentary Child.

Westchester, IL: Crossway, 1987. Dying baby.

Semchyshyn, Stefan, M.D., and Carol Coleman. How to

Prevent Miscarriage and Other Crises of Pregnancy:

A Leading High-Risk Doctor's Prescription for

Carrying Your Baby to Term. New York: Macmillan,


Webster, Robert. "Letters to Geoffrey: A Father's

Letters to His Premature Son From Birth to Death."

Omaha, NE: Centering Corporation, 1988.


Ashton, Betty. Betty Ashton's Guide to Living on Your

Own for the Very First Time. Boston, MA: Little,

Brown, 1988.

Reed, Bobbie. I Didn't Plan to Be a Single Parent.

St. Louis, MO: Concordia, 1981.

Swihart, Judith J. and Steven L. Brigham. Helping

Children of Divorce. Downers Grove, IL:

Intervarsity, 1982.


Anderson, Winifred, Stephen Chitwood, and Deidre

Hayden. Negotiating the Special Education Maze:

A Guide for Parents and Teachers. Kensington,

MD: Woodbine House, 1989.

Cunningham, Cliff and Patricia Sloper. Helping Your

Exceptional Baby: A Practical and Honest Approach

to Raising a Mentally Handicapped Baby. New York:

Pantheon, 1981.

Duckworth, Marion. Families of Handicapped Children.

Elgin, IL: David C. Cook, 1988. How a church can


Pueschel, Siegfried M. and James C. Bernier. The

Special Child: A Source Book for Parents of

Children With Developmental Disabilities. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brooks, 1988.

Schwartz, Sue, Ph.D., and Joan E. Heller Miller.

The Language of Toys: Teaching Communication

Skills to Special-Needs Children. Kensington,

MD: Woodbine House, 1988.

Stray-Gunderson, Karen. Babies With Down Syndrome: A

New Parents' Guide. Kensington, MD: Woodbine

House, 1986.

Taylor, John. The Hyperactive Child and the Family:

The Complete What-to-Do Handbook. New York:

Dodd, Mead, 1983.

Thompson, Charlotte E., M.D. Raising a Handicapped

Child. New York: Ballentine, 1986.


Booth, Father Leo. Meditations for Compulsive People:

God in the Odd. Deerfield Beach, FL: Health,


Chapian, Marie. His Thoughts Toward Me. Minneapolis,

MN: Bethany, 1987.

de Champlain, Sister Adrienne. How to Evangelize

Myself, First of All! Available free from Sister

Adrienne at St. Anthony Convent, 122 School

Street, Taunton, MA 02780.

Green, Melody. ". . . but I can't forgive myself!"

Lindale, TX: Last Days Ministries, 1985.

Hybels, Bill. Too Busy Not to Pray: Slowing Down to

Be With God. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity,


Kushner, Harold. When All You've Ever Wanted Isn't

Enough: The Search for Life That Matters. New

York: Simon & Schuster, 1986.

Rosage, David E. The Lord Is My Shepherd: Praying the

Psalms. Ann Arbor, MI: Servant, 1984.

Sherrer, Quin. How to Pray for Your Children.

Lynnwood, WA: Aglow, 1986.

Yancy, Philip. Where Is God When It Hurts? Grand

Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1977.

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